Thank you so much for wanting to help with this project. Below are some areas where we could use help.
- Complete the methods cards, finding images and writing up the text
- Create an easy way to order a printed version of the toolkit
- Creating a Mural whiteboard version of the toolkit to use online
- Clean up the long-form guide
- Create artwork for the other elements of the toolkit
Learnability and Usability
- Make a 5-minute explainer video (and perhaps longer videos)
- Evaluate the learnability of the toolkit and refining the website to support better learning
- Gather and learn from stories of people who have tried to use the toolkit
Stories & Recipes
- Gather stories and examples of rituals “in the wild”
- Add to our literature review
Community and outreach
- Connect with like-minded people and organizations
- Host meetups or conversations
- Host sessions, or popup studios where we co-design rituals with people who drop by
- Identify and instigate design efforts on topics of interest